Chemical bonding
name of the chapter: chemical bonding
Content Provider: FIITJEE
Lecturer from FIITJEE
Introduction based on NCERT books:
The matter is made up of one or different types of elements.
Under normal conditions, no other element exists as an
independent atom in nature, except noble gases. However,
a group of atoms is found to exist together as one species
having characteristic properties. Such a group of atoms is
called a molecule. Obviously, there must be some force
that holds these constituent atoms together in the
molecules. The attractive force which holds various
constituents (atoms, ions, etc.) together in different
chemical species is called a chemical bond. Since the
formation of chemical compounds takes place as a result
of the combination of atoms of various elements in different
ways, it raises many questions. Why do atoms combine?
Why are only certain combinations possible? Why do some
atoms combine while certain others do not? Why do
molecules possess definite shapes? To answer such
questions different theories and concepts have been put
forward from time to time. These are Kössel-Lewis
approach, Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR)
Theory, Valence Bond (VB) Theory and Molecular Orbital
(MO) Theory. The evolution of various theories of valence
and the interpretation of the nature of chemical bonds have
closely been related to the developments in the
understanding of the structure of atoms, the electronic
configuration of elements, and the periodic table. Every
system tends to be more stable and bonding is nature’s
way of lowering the energy of the system to attain stability.
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