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Atomic Structure CBSE NTSE TNSCERT



 The word “Atom” is derived from the Greek word  “Atomio or Atomos” meaning indivisible or uncut-able.

 Atoms are the smallest particles until the 19th century.

 “John Dalton” conducted various experiments &  stated Dalton’s Atomic Model (discarded now).

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Dalton’s Atomic Model

         Atoms are small indivisible particles which makes up matter.

         Matter can neither be created nor destroyed.

         Atoms of the same element are similar in all aspects.

         Conversely, atoms of different elements are different in all aspects.

         Atoms combine in small whole numbers to form compounds.

         Atom is the smallest unit of matter that takes part in chemical reactions.


Defects of Dalton’s  Atomic Model

         Atoms can be further divided into subatomic particles like electrons, protons and neutrons.

         Nuclear fission and fusion reactions show that atoms can be created and destroyed.

         The Discovery of isotopes proves that atoms of same the element need not be similar in all aspects.

         The Discovery of isobars proves that atoms of different elements need not be different in all aspects.

         The Discovery of polymers and macromolecules proves that atoms can combine in large numbers.


Some terms of Chemistry

         Isotopes: Atoms of the same element having the same atomic number but a different mass number.

         Isobars: Atoms of different elements having the same mass number with different atomic numbers.

         Isotones: Atoms of different elements having the same number of neutrons.

         Isoelectronic species: The species having the same number of electrons.

         Sub-Atomic Particles: Particles that are smaller than an atom.


Discharge tube

         The discharge tube consists of a cylindrical glass tube  about 50 cm long & 4cm in diameter with two electrodes at two ends.

         The pressure of the gas inside can be decreased and can be controlled by a gauge.

         A high potential difference of 10,000 to 15,000 volts is set between the electrodes.

         This apparatus helped to find some sub-atomic particles.

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Discovery of Electron

         When sufficient high voltage is applied inside the discharge tube, current flows like a stream of particles from cathode to anode.

         These were called cathode rays or cathode ray particles.

         By making holes in the anode and by coating the tube behind the anode with a  phosphorescent material (zinc sulphide),  a bright spot on the coating is developed due to the striking of these rays on that material. (the same thing happens on a  television set)

         The name Electron was given by  J.J.Thomson.

Properties of Cathode Ray Particles

         The cathode rays start from the cathode and move towards the anode.

         These rays are not visible but their behaviour can be observed  with the help of certain kinds of materials (fluorescent or phosphorescent) which glow when hit by them.

         In the absence of an electrical or magnetic field, these rays travel in straight lines.

         In presence of an electric or magnetic field, the behaviour of  cathode rays are similar to negatively charged particles, electrons.

         The characteristics of cathode rays (electrons) do not depend  upon the material of electrodes or the nature of the gas present  in the cathode ray tube.

         Thus electrons are the basic constituent of all the atoms.


Charge to Mass Ratio of Electron

In 1897, British physicist J.J.Thomson measured the ratio of charge of an  electron to the ratio of mass of an electron by placing electrical and magnetic  fields perpendicular to the path of electrons in cathode-ray tube.

Thomson argued that the rate of deviation of a particle depends on:  Magnitude of charge of the electron( Directly Proportional)

Mass of the electron(Indirectly Proportional)

Strength of Magnetic Field & electric Field(Directly Proportional)

         Thomson’s apparatus :

         -e/m = 1.758820 × 10^11 C/kg

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Charge of an electron

         Millikan’s Oil Drop Experiment:

         Oil droplets in the form of mist entered through a tiny hole in the upper plate of  electrical condenser.

         The downward motion of these droplets was viewed through the telescope with a  micrometre eyepiece.

         By measuring the rate of fall of these droplets, Millikan was able to measure the  charge of oil droplets.

         The air inside the chamber was ionized by passing a beam of X-rays through it. The electrical charge on these oil droplets was acquired by collisions with gaseous ions.

          The fall of these charged oil droplets can be changed depending on the charge on  the droplets, the polarity and strength of the voltage applied to the plate.

         By measuring the effects of electrical field strength on the motion of oil droplets,  Millikan concluded that the magnitude of electrical charge, q, on the droplets is  always an integral multiple of the electrical charge(e), q = n*e, where n = 1, 2, 3....



Millikan’s apparatus :

He found that the  charge on an electron is

– 1.6 × 10^–19 C.

The present accepted  value of the electrical  charge is – 1.6022 ×  10^–19 C.

The mass of the  electron ( me) was deter  mined by combining  these results with  Thomson’s value of e/m  ratio.

e/( e/m ) =  1.6022*(10^-19)C/

1.758820 *(10^11)C/kg =

m = 9.1094×10^–31 kg


Discovery of the proton:

         Electrical discharge in the modified cathode ray tube led to the  discovery of particles carrying positive charge, also known as canal rays.

         The characteristics of these positively charged particles are

                              (i)            The positively charged particles depend upon the nature of gas  present in the cathode ray tube.

These are simply the positively charged gaseous ions.  These rays travel from anode to cathode.

                              (i)            The charge to mass ratio of the particles was depending on the  gas from which these originate.

                            (ii)            The behaviour of these particles in the magnetic or electrical  field is opposite to that observed for electrons or cathode rays.

         The smallest and lightest positive ion was obtained from hydrogen and was called a proton. This positively charged particle was characterised in  1919.


Discovery of Neutron

·         Indirect interference: The mass of a helium atom is approximately  4 amu. But, only there are 2 proton atoms each of mass of 1 AMU.

·         The mass of electrons is very low(negligible).

A need was felt for the presence of electrically neutral particle as one of the constituents of an atom.

·         Chadwick (1932) discovered and named neutron by bombarding a  thin sheet of beryllium by α-particles.

·         When an alpha particle collided with a beryllium atom, it released a carbon atom & a neutron.

Atomic Models

         The three main atoms models which were proposed  are :

Thomson’s model.  Rutherford’s model.  Bohr’s model.

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Thomson’s atomic model

·         J. J. Thomson(1898) proposed that an atom possesses a spherical  shape (radius approximately 10^-10 m) in which the positive  charge is uniformly distributed & electrons embedded in it in  the most electrostatically stable manner.

·         It looks like a watermelon.

·         Hence, it is called plum-pudding, watermelon or raisin model.

Alpha- Particle scattering experiment:


In the Gold foil experiment, they placed a very thin gold foil in the centre of an alpha ray detector.

They used  Polonium as an alpha particle source.

Whenever an alpha  particle hits a nucleus of  an atom, it  gets deflected.





(i) Most of the space in the atom is empty as most of the α–  particles passed through the foil undeflected.


(ii) A few positively charged α– particles were deflected. The deflection must be due to enormous repulsive force showing that the positive charge of the atom is not spread throughout the atom as Thomson had presumed. The positive charge has to be concentrated in a very small volume that repelled and deflected the positively charged α–  particles.


(iii) Calculations by Rutherford showed that the volume  occupied by the nucleus is negligibly small as compared to  the total volume of the atom. The radius of the atom is about  10^–10 m, while that of the nucleus is 10^–15 m.


Rutherford’s Atomic Model


      (i)  The positive charge and most of the mass of the atom was densely concentrated in an extremely small region. This very small portion of the atom was called the nucleus by Rutherford.

    (ii)   The nucleus is surrounded by electrons that move around the nucleus with a  very high speed in circular paths called orbits . Thus, it resembles the solar system in which the nucleus plays the role of the sun and the electrons of revolving planets.

  (iii)      iii) Electrons and the nucleus are held together by electrostatic forces of attraction.



Defects of Rutherford’s model


         There is a theory (by Maxwell) stating that whenever a charged particle  accelerates, it emits radiation.

         As the electron moves in a circular path, it is accelerating. So, it must emit radiation.

         As it emits radiation, it must lose some of its energy.

         As it loses some of its energy its orbit must continuously shrink; until the  electron collides with the nucleus.

         Mathematical equations show that it will take only 10^-8 seconds to collide with the nucleus.

         But, this does not happen in the atom, the atom is stable.

         So, Rutherford’s Atomic model is not completely correct.

         Another drawback is that his model did not explain how the electrons were  distributed and what is the energies of these electrons.

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Properties of electromagnetic wave motion


         The oscillating electric and magnetic fields produced by  oscillating charged particles are perpendicular to each other and  both are perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave.

         Unlike sound waves or

water waves,  electromagnetic waves do not require a medium and can move in a vacuum.

It is now well established that there are many types of electromagnetic radiations,  which differ from one another in wavelength (or frequency). These constitute what is called the electromagnetic spectrum.


Finding the nature of light


         Some of the experimental phenomena such as diffraction and  interference can be explained by the wave nature of electromagnetic radiation.

         The things which couldn’t be explained by the wave nature of  electromagnetic radiation:

Black body radiation(The nature of emission of radiation from hot bodies).

Photoelectric effect(Ejection of electrons from a metal surface  when radiation strikes it).

Variation of heat capacity of solids as a function of temperature.  Line spectra of atoms with special reference to hydrogen.


Blackbody radiation


Planck suggested that atoms and molecules could emit (or absorb) energy only in small quantities and not in a continuous manner, a belief popular at that time. Planck gave the name quantum to the smallest quantity of energy that can be emitted or absorbed in the form of electromagnetic radiation.

The energy (E ) of a quantum of radiation is proportional to its frequency (ν

) and is expressed by the equation:

E = hν  h=6.626×10^–34 J s.

{Planck’s constant}

The frequency must be a whole number.


 Presentation Done by Tharun A

Photo-electric effect


         Hertz’ s experiment: In 1887, H. Hertz performed an experiment. He used a discharge tube; but used a little lower voltages (not enough to travel through the tube). He focused lights of different frequencies on it.

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         (i)           The electrons are ejected from the metal surface as  soon as the beam of light strikes the surface, i.e., there is  no time lag between the striking of the light beam and the  ejection of electrons from the metal surface.

         (ii)          The number of electrons ejected is proportional to  the intensity or brightness of the light.

         (iii)         For each metal, there is a characteristic minimum frequency,ν0(also known as threshold frequency) below which the photoelectric effect is not observed. At a frequency ν >ν0, the ejected electrons come out with certain kinetic energy. The kinetic energies of these electrons increase with the increase of the frequency of the light used.





         Shining a beam of light onto a metal surface can be viewed as shooting a beam  of particles, the photons.

                         When a photon of sufficient energy strikes an electron in the atom of the metal,  it transfers its energy instantly to the electron during the collision and the  electron is ejected without any delay.

Greater the energy possessed by the photon, greater will be a transfer of energy  to the electron and greater the kinetic energy of the ejected electron.

The kinetic energy of the ejected electron is proportional to the frequency of the  electromagnetic radiation.


         The striking photon has energy equal to hν and the minimum energy required  to eject the electron is hν0 (also called work function, W0), then the difference in energy (hν – hν0 ) is transferred as the kinetic energy of the electron.

         The kinetic energy of the ejected electron is given:

         E = hν = hν0 +1/2m(v^2)




         Spectrum: A type of categorisation of different waves according to their wavelengths. (Singular - Spectra)

         Absorption spectrum: The spectrum that is got after absorption of certain  wavelengths by a particle.

         Emission spectrum: The spectrum that is got during release of photons by an exciting object.



Spectroscopy: A  branch of the science that deals with spectrum.


Excited sample:  The sample has many atoms in it that have absorbed a  lot of radiation.



        These became the evidence for quantised electronic levels.

        Every element has a unique absorption & emission spectrum.

        This method was used to find elements like caesium &  rubidium.

        Spectroscopy has developed a lot nowadays

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Bohr’s model


         Neils Bohr (1913) explained the general features of the  structure of hydrogen atom and its spectrum.

         Bohr’s model for the hydrogen atom is based on the following  postulates:

         i) The electron in the hydrogen atom can move around the  nucleus in a circular path (orbits) of fixed radius and energy.

Arranged in form of concentric circles around nucleus

         ii) The energy of an electron in the orbit does not change with time.

The electron will move from a lower stationery state to a higher  stationary state when required amount of energy is absorbed by  the electron & vice versa.

iii) The frequency of radiation absorbed or emitted occurs between two stationary  states that differ in energy by ∆E is given by:

Where E1 and E2 are the energies of the lower and higher allowed energy states respectively. This expression is commonly known as Bohr’s frequency rule.

iv)In a given stationary state it can be expressed as in equation:

Where me is the mass of electron, v is the velocity and r is the radius of the orbit in which the electron is moving.

Thus an electron can move only in those orbits for which its angular momentum is an integral multiple of h/2p. That means angular momentum is quantised(restricted).

Radiation is emitted or absorbed only when the transition of electrons takes place from one quantised value of angular momentum to another. Therefore, Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory does not apply here that is why only certain fixed orbits are allowed.


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