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P-Block Element


name of the chapter: P block element 

Content Provider: FIITJEE

Lecturer from FIITJEE

Introduction based on NCERT :

In p-block elements, the last electron enters the outermost p orbital. As we know that the number of p orbitals is three and, therefore, the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in a set of p orbitals is six. Consequently, there are six groups of p–block elements in the periodic table numbering from 13 to 18. Boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, and helium head the groups. Their valence shell electronic configuration is ns2 np1-6(except for He). The inner core of the electronic configuration may, however, differ. The difference in the inner core of elements greatly influences their physical properties (such as atomic and ionic radii, ionization enthalpy, etc.) as well as chemical properties. Consequently, a lot of variation in the properties of elements in a group of p-block is observed. The maximum oxidation state shown by a p-block element is equal to the total number of valence electrons (i.e., the sum of the sand p-electrons). Clearly, the number of possible oxidation states increases towards the right of the periodic table. In addition to this so-called group oxidation state, p-block elements may show other oxidation states which normally, but not necessarily, differ from the total number of valence electrons by a unit of two. The important oxidation states exhibited by p-block elements are shown in Table 11.1. In boron, carbon, and nitrogen families the group oxidation state is the most stable state for the lighter elements in the group. However, the oxidation state two-unit less than the group oxidation state becomes progressively more stable for the heavier elements in each group. The occurrence of oxidation states two-unit less than the group oxidation states is sometimes attributed to the ‘inert pair effect’.



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