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Surface Chemistry Class 12

 Surface chemistry

name of the chapter:  Surface chemistry 
Content Provider: FIITJEE
Lecturer from FIITJEE

Introduction based on NCERT :

Surface chemistry deals with phenomena that occur at the surfaces or interfaces. The interface or surface is represented by separating the bulk phases by a hyphen or a slash. For example, the interface between a solid and gas may be represented by solid-gas or solid/gas. Due to complete miscibility, there is no interface between the gases. The bulk phases that we come across in surface chemistry may be pure compounds or solutions. The interface is normally a few molecules thick but its area depends on the size of the particles of bulk phases. Many important phenomena, noticeable amongst these being corrosions, electrode processes, heterogeneous catalysis, dissolution, and crystallization occur at interfaces. The subject of surface chemistry finds many applications in industry, analytical work, and daily life situations. To accomplish surface studies meticulously, it becomes imperative to have a really clean surface. Under very high vacuum of the order of 10–8 to 10–9 pascal, it is now possible to obtain ultra-clean surface of the metals. Solid materials with such clean surfaces need to be stored in a vacuum otherwise these will be covered by molecules of the major components of air namely dioxygen and dinitrogen. In this Unit, you will be studying some important features of surface chemistry such as adsorption, catalysis and colloids including emulsions and gels.

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